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Terrific Tuesday

I'm loving this time at home this week! I've already got caught up on so much housework, and I love spending every second I can with my sweet litte man, G!

I swear, this kid changes by the minute. I cannot believe how quickly they grow and develop. He has started to army crawl. It is hilarious! He works so hard to move about an inch. Poor little guy! he's pretty good at sitting up now. He is still a little wobbly at times, but getting stronger! His favorite time of the day is bath time. He loves getting naked and splashing water all over everything. Last night, we put him in his "big boy bath" for the first time. He looked about 4 years older than he really is!

He looks about 5 here! How is this possible?!

We had a great time in Little Rock this past weekend. Graham was SO good! I almost teared up watching my sister dance in her last competition. I had flashbacks of her first dance recital when she was 3 years old, dressed like a little lion. It was so worth the drive! We shopped, ate delicious food, and spent time with family. Perfect weekend.

Monday was a housework, no make up, and hair in a ponytail kind of day. It was wonderful! When Ryan got home, we took G outside to play. We laid out a blanket, grabbed some toys, and relaxed in the yard. I love nights like that.

I made G a new shirt on my relaxing day off. I have the cutest little MudPie baseball shorts, and needed a cute shirt to match! We are ready for baseball season!!

My mom and I went to lunch today in downtown Rogers, went to a few stores, and shared a scrumptious chocolate cheesecake cupcake with strawberry cream cheese frosting. Yes, you heard me right. Mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm.

Little G was stylin' and profilin' on our outing today. I don't know where he gets his long legs from...

Ha, he's such a little ham! Look at that smile!

So, the other day I checked our mail, and I got a box from Wal-Mart To Go, which is my new best friend. Hmm...I wondered if they forgot to put something with my recent order and just decided to mail it to us. I opened the cute little box, and it was packed with free goodies! There was a note thanking me for my frequent business with them and an awesome deal inside! I LOVE using Wal-mart To Go. I can oder an entire month worth of groceries in minutes b/c it saves my favorite items, so I can easily go to my favorites category and select all the items I normally buy in seconds. Ryan always picks it up on his way home from work. He doesn't even have to get out of the car, even though he does to help load, but they will load them up all for you! It is AMAZING! Anyways, they sent me a referral code. If you haven't used them yet, and want to give them a try, use this code and you will get $10 off your first order! It's as easy as that!

It's about time to start my second round of the 21 Day Fix! We have an awesome group of girls in our challenge group who are great at motivating each day. They have also compiled 2 complete sets of 21 day meal plans, recipes, and grocery lists. They have made it really simple to follow the plan! If you are interested in joining us, just let me know! You won't regret it! I can't wait to see results from round 2!

Hope you all have a great week!

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